Controladores aéreos,  Portada

Este blog es citado en la wikipedia en inglés

Career information


This year situation of air traffic control in Spain has changed dramatically due to interference of Spanish government on labour relations. Due to investments on airports with a couple of flights per day or simply creating design terminal areas it has been impossible to make them profitable. AENA (Spanish control service provider and airports manager) has a debt superior to €15,000 million. This is the reason used by Spanish government to create several Royal Decrees (laws signed by the King not the Parliament)increasing controllers duty time and reducing resting time.

In Spain there are more than 43 airports, more than double the amount in Germany with less than half the population. A lot of controllers are needed. Spain has double the airspace that Germany does (remember the Canary Islands). But since 2006 no one has been selected by AENA to be instructed as controllers, the company has no intention of doing so in the future.[7]

Spanish Royal Decree on the 5th of march states that controllers over 57 years old should be retired.[8]

Results: more serious incidents (airprox) in a couple of months than the whole past year, delays, controllers evacuated in ambulance due to anxiety attacks while working…[9]


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